Their Addiction-My Journey: “Voices in My Head”

It’s been almost 20 years since the addiction roller coaster took off. This is where it began. I still wait for it to end.

Five Minute Friday-Better

In the search for my positive side, the word ‘better’ feels like a good place to start. For years, I have been chasing better-better health, better walk with God, better communication, and above all, a better situation for my daughter. That last one, it is breaking my heart and tearing me in pieces that are …

Giving It All, All The Time

..Our world is fast changing folks. There is a decline in morality, and it is staggering. The loss of hope infecting many young hearts and minds is painful. Pride, selfishness, deceit, and greed dictate how lives function. The greater good is lost to personal agenda. Personal agenda, blurred by desire for wants more than needs.

Optimal Happiness

Maximize Your Happiness, Well-Being, & Life Satisfaction


I'm someone who has always had a deep passion for literature and writing. From a young age, I've been captivated by the power of words and the way they can transport us to different worlds, open our minds to new ideas, and connect us with people and experiences that are distant from our own. Whether it's immersing myself in a classic novel, jotting down my thoughts in a journal, or crafting my own creative stories, writing and literature have always been an essential part of my life. I'm excited to continue exploring this rich and rewarding field, and to share my thoughts and insights with others who share my love for all things literary.

Motivation Dojo

Best Motivational Speeches

Kristen Neighbarger

Grace for Today. Hope for Tomorrow.


Creative Writer, Relentless Thinker

Writer In Retrospect

"When I am writing, I am trying to find out who I am..." --Maya Angelou

