Five Minute Friday- Day 25 of 31 Writing Challenge


Perfect word for the day. As I sat in the emergency room, the long wait for answers was trying. We watched my blood pressure escalate, return to normal, and rise again in minutes. Brought in for chest pain and migraine, and not knowing which one preceded the other, I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing and thinking. While the answers to come were uncertain, I was confident they would be found.

A few hours later, I was released with confirmation that the new blood pressure medication was indeed causing me some adverse issues. Having the rare migraines I do it is a delicate balance in treating physical and mental conditions. My body does not respond well to any medication, and this one was no different. The wait was worth it, as I was told to stop the new medication.

Now, the wait continues as I allow time to cleanse my system of all traces of the culprit. As my heart continues it’s solo race, and my migraine retreats and returns, I wait in prayer and trust that all things will work out. For no matter how small or large the health issue, God has a way of keeping us close and walking us through. His care is something we never have to wait for.

I am thankful for the amazing care I received in the ER, and the amazing care I live with in the arms of God.

3 Replies to “Five Minute Friday- Day 25 of 31 Writing Challenge”

  1. “For no matter how small or large the health issue, God has a way of keeping us close and walking us through. His care is something we never have to wait for.” I am so thankful for these encouraging truths. I pray that you will be feeling better soon, and that the doctors will figure out the right medicine combination to treat the migraines.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For me there are no waiting rooms,
    there is no treatment plan.
    I’m going forward to my doom
    and I don’t give a d***.
    Independent I was born,
    independent I was bred.
    Independently by cancer torn,
    independent I’ll be dead.
    I don’t need, “How are we, now?”
    It’s ME, you silly troll,
    my hand to this malignant plow
    with honour as my goal.
    Sure, my back is to the wall
    but only here can I give all.


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